The CDS Connect Project will be transitioning into a temporary hiatus. This transition is part of establishing a new sustainment model for CDS Connect related to the recent challenge competition and Request for Information. The creation of new user accounts may be delayed and technical support will be limited. Platform services are expected to remain available during this time but may experience occasional outages during this hiatus. For updates on the hiatus or to report an issue, please contact the AHRQ team at
The CDS Connect Repository supports AHRQ’s mission to disseminate and implement patient-centered outcomes research findings into clinical practice through clinical decision support (CDS). Entries in this repository include freely accessible CDS "artifacts" – actionable medical knowledge distilled from various evidence sources (e.g., clinical practice guidelines, peer-reviewed articles, local best practices, and clinical quality measures) and translated into computable and interoperable decision support.
To explore these publicly available CDS artifacts, search below. If you are interested in drafting your own CDS artifact using the CDS Authoring Tool or contributing to the Repository, visit the sign-up page to register for the appropriate account for free.