Artifact Creation and Usage
Ronilda Lacson
Ramin Khorasani
Ali S. Raja
Louise Schneider
Michael Bakhtin
Mark Isabelle
Ivan Ip
This CDS artifact and related data specifications are owned and stewarded by the Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH). BWH is not responsible for any use of the CDS artifact. BWH makes no representations, warranties, or endorsement about the quality of any organization or physician that uses this CDS artifact.
Structured code that is interpretable by a computer (includes data elements, value sets, logic)
The purpose of this CDS is to ensure patient preferences are included in the decision process for choosing mammograms or breast MRIs in patients with a history of breast cancer.
Women with a personal history of breast cancer for whom either a mammogram or breast MRI is ordered for surveillance.
The tool is embedded in the Electronic Health Record, triggered by an order for a mammogram or breast MRI.
Physicians' counseling regarding increased biopsy and cancer detection rates may vary depending on patient scenarios.
A published observational study demonstrated that the choice of mammograms vs. breast MRIs for surveillance should account for patient characteristics and preferences.
Wernli KJ, Ichikawa L, Kerlikowske K, Buist DSM, Brandzel SD, Bush M, et al. Surveillance Breast MRI and Mammography: Comparison in Women with a Personal History of Breast Cancer. Radiology. 2019;292(2):311-8.
Patient preferences should be considered in ordering breast imaging for breast cancer surveillance.
Strength of Evidence
Based on Oxford Grade (2011): Level 3 (Screening) - Non-randomized controlled cohort/follow-up study
Source: Harvard Medical School Library of Evidence. Sign up for access:
Harvard Medical School Library of Evidence website:
Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Grading:
Provider orders mammogram or breast MRI
Women with personal history of breast cancer, including ductal carcinoma in situ
Women with Stage 4 breast cancer
Show a document containing information for selecting breast MRI or mammogram for surveillance, considering patient preferences.