Log in to your CDS Connect Account
- Log in to your CDS Connect Account by selecting the “CDS Connect Login” button in upper header, which will trigger the CDS Connect Account Login Page, shown below.

- Enter your CDS Connect Account credentials and submit. Note: If you would like to use the Authoring Tool, you will log in with the same credentials on a different login page.
- Once authenticated as a registered user, you will see your username in the top right corner, with a dropdown menu that includes the “My Account Home” page or the ability to log out.
Your Account Landing Page
The account landing page consists of a main information area with four horizontal tabbed navigation options: Account Home, My Content, My Groups, and Account Settings. To the far right of the page is a vertical column of large buttons that allow navigation away from the account landing page to the additional features and functionality of CDS Connect accessible to you, based on your account permissions. For a user with Contributor permissions, these buttons, from top to bottom, are “Draft a Repository Artifact,” “Login to the Authoring Tool,” “Search Artifact Repository,” “View Prototype Tools on GitHub,” and “Contact CDS Connect.” Refer to the image below for reference to the account landing page.