Repository Information Tab
This content helps anyone viewing the artifact know the history regarding the formation and maintenance of the artifact. It will be used by those who review and update the artifact as well as those who make judgements about whether this artifact meets their clinical setting/health system needs. Currently, these dates are all self-assigned by the author or project team.
- Approval Date – The date the artifact was approved by Publishing Lead for inclusion in the Repository.
- Expiration Date – A future date indicating any time limits on the use of the artifact.
- Last Review Date – The date the artifact had last undergone the formal review process, as required by Status and Experimental status.
- Publication Date – The first date the artifact was originally published on CDS Connect to be viewed by any visitor to the CDS Connect website. The artifact may undergo any number of reviews and updates from this original date.
- Preview Image – An image to be used as a thumbnail visualization of the artifact. Will display on the Artifact Detail page.
Upload requirements include:
- Only one file can be uploaded to this field.
- 5 MB limit.
- Four allowed file types: PNG, GIF, JPG, JPEG.
- Images larger than 1000 x 1000 pixels will be resized.
Files will be scanned by the CDS Connect project team prior to final posting.